谢谢你,让我暂时释怀,让我重新找回我的方向, 谢谢。。
Thursday, December 16, 2010
刚睡醒,看看手机的时间, 9点。 zZ., 又是睡过了时间,看看桌上杂乱的书本,赫然想起,我是正在准备考试的考生。考试?从来都不是个问题,但近来,对逐渐懒散的我,它,成为了一种挑战。 从前,面对考试的我,总会有着非般的冲劲,硬着头皮一直冲,冲,冲。直到把所有该读的,该做的, 都做完;但如今,给我10 个小时, 2 个小时在上网,3个小时在睡觉。直到刚看到一行简单的祝福,一个祝我好运的短信,我才了解,这就是我所缺乏的。身边的朋友都不曾衷心地祝福我,对他们而言,对4.0的追求,是一种奢侈。最常听到的那句,aiya,你酱geng,怕什么啦,扣拿一点点分而已吗,我们这种才叫惨。。blablabla。可他们从没想过,我对自己也有自己的要求,自己的梦想。他们有难题的时候,我可以去帮忙,一个tank 56个学生都可以,可他们却连一句简单的“ 阿凡,加油”也懒得施舍给我, 这,也是逐渐让我心灰的原因。。但,看见了那一封恰好而来,那一封简单的祝福,我才发现,我,总有远方的朋友支持着我,我的家,我的挚友,都一直陪伴着我。
Saturday, October 23, 2010
曾几何时,我也像个小孩一样,期待着哥哥对自己的关爱,期待被爱环绕着的滋味~ 很庆幸的,自小我就活在一个幸福美满的家庭,一直都温温馨馨的,至少在那件事发生之前,一直都是~
很多人都说过,爱一个人就得让她幸福,快乐,即使是让自己承担所有的痛苦,直到遍体鳞伤,也得让她快乐。 。。无知! 爱一个人,要让她快乐,这,的确是对的,但是,牺牲自己的幸福,来换取他的快乐,那是愚蠢,自私的行为。若每一个人都抱着这种观念,那将会是个悲剧~
是否想过,当你在默默地为你心仪的对象付出的同时, 在你的身后亦有一个默默地为你付出的人~ 这些人和你都一样, 以心仪对象的幸福为自己快乐的资源。当她看见你为了另外一个女人而搞到自己堕落不堪,她的感觉又会是怎样的呢?
想让一个人快乐,就得先让自己活得快乐,哪怕是正处于热恋期的情侣,亦或是拥有暗恋对象的朋友们也都一样~ 不要一味地为你爱的人付出,也要让她感觉到自己有被需要到~
我过得很好~ 你呢?
曾几何时,我也像个小孩一样,期待着哥哥对自己的关爱,期待被爱环绕着的滋味~ 很庆幸的,自小我就活在一个幸福美满的家庭,一直都温温馨馨的,至少在那件事发生之前,一直都是~
很多人都说过,爱一个人就得让她幸福,快乐,即使是让自己承担所有的痛苦,直到遍体鳞伤,也得让她快乐。 。。无知! 爱一个人,要让她快乐,这,的确是对的,但是,牺牲自己的幸福,来换取他的快乐,那是愚蠢,自私的行为。若每一个人都抱着这种观念,那将会是个悲剧~
是否想过,当你在默默地为你心仪的对象付出的同时, 在你的身后亦有一个默默地为你付出的人~ 这些人和你都一样, 以心仪对象的幸福为自己快乐的资源。当她看见你为了另外一个女人而搞到自己堕落不堪,她的感觉又会是怎样的呢?
想让一个人快乐,就得先让自己活得快乐,哪怕是正处于热恋期的情侣,亦或是拥有暗恋对象的朋友们也都一样~ 不要一味地为你爱的人付出,也要让她感觉到自己有被需要到~
我过得很好~ 你呢?
Saturday, September 18, 2010
有头脑的人羡幕有身手的人, 有身手的人妒忌有头脑的人; 单身的人期盼恋爱的甜蜜, 双身人怀念单身的自由。~人之本性
人的本性就是这样,矛盾,不知足,往往不对自己拥有的一切感到满足。其实,刀无两面利,事无双面全,一件事情的丑恶只在乎于一个人的看法. 一个凡事顺顺利利的人经不起考验;一个能从挫折中站起来的人才是最终的胜利者, 不曾失去过的东西,我们不懂得珍惜;错过了的机缘,我们才懂得惋惜,一对感情不曾出现状况的情人只能舔到恋爱表层的甜点,却永远都体会不到安抚以后两人重圆的甜蜜~
*顺道向于今天生日的陈小姐祝贺:生日快日~ ^.^
人的本性就是这样,矛盾,不知足,往往不对自己拥有的一切感到满足。其实,刀无两面利,事无双面全,一件事情的丑恶只在乎于一个人的看法. 一个凡事顺顺利利的人经不起考验;一个能从挫折中站起来的人才是最终的胜利者, 不曾失去过的东西,我们不懂得珍惜;错过了的机缘,我们才懂得惋惜,一对感情不曾出现状况的情人只能舔到恋爱表层的甜点,却永远都体会不到安抚以后两人重圆的甜蜜~
*顺道向于今天生日的陈小姐祝贺:生日快日~ ^.^
Tuesday, September 7, 2010
Today, the troublesome final examination has finally ended. On the way back to Kuantan, i recalled a lot of things. Recently, my mood is not really stable, just like a pendulum swinging between the 2 maximum amplitude, happy and sad~ I am sad because i lost something very precious, however, in certain perspectives, i should be happy for i am already more lucky than other people~ Losing my motivation, i lose all my concentration in my study. In fact, i am not really did well in my examination~
Love is complicated~ A love without unexpected event is just like strolling on beach with no sea breeze, flying kite with no wind~ however, at the same time love bring happiness, the corresponding sadness is of equal magnitude~ perhaps, for now, it's is still better for me to stay single, for i am not yet ready for that, far not ready.. without love, i still can live on happily with my friends who love me so much.. So why i want to find trouble for myself??
30 june 2009, the biggest tragedy happen in my life, the event that totally screw up my life for nearly one month. however, the event made me tougher, that the time i begin to think of my future. When i recall back, the past event seems much easier compared to that, for which i will simply succumbed to and complaining to other. What i want to say here is i always be grateful to have friends like u all, keep supporting me by my side, though u din really know wad is happening.
Every person, every event appears in my life impose effect on me. The fact is, i have moulded into the person like u all are. I cant be myself, for I am belonged to you all. Without you, i am just nothing, nothing more than a shell without soul. Thats why i very grateful to have recognize everyone of you.
Bro, the strong bond formed between us is not based on the time, but is based on how v treat each other. Since v become the best pals from year 5, u always treat me with true heart. That what i really appreciate. Though i lost grasp of what happening to you recently, i still will be there to support you, and whenever u are willing to talk , i will be there for you.
Pals, no need to stubborn with the things that have past. There is no necessary to torture yourself with the things that have past, the love that has faded. Stay happy like always, for i always miss your noob smiling face.
Mum, here is my answer for ur question. Pure friendship between boys and girls do exist, but with condition that there is no "extra" feeling between them. When one of them fall in love with another, and is known by another, the friendship between them will never be pure anymore. And if such relationship is not handled well, it will only cause pain to the other. So, there will always 2 results come from such problems. however, no matter which pathway u will lead to, i will always there to support u~
Sorry for keep u waiting, i know u will surely feel weird why i will leave some words for you. In fact, this things i should have told u by myself 6 years ago. Forgive me for being so timid. I am here to admit that i did fall in love with you when i was in standard 6~ and such feeling is keep until form 5~ Dun worry, i am not asking you what or intending to give u a chase. but i just feel like telling u my feeling b4 i conclude my childhood memory and move on to the next stage. I want to thank you since u have motivated me so much, inspiring me to change myself to be a better man , n u should be proud of that~~ hahax.
Last and for all, i want to thank for everyone of u, for being part of my memory, part of myself. I love u all , pls stay happy and smile always~
(sorry for the poor language for i have been a long time not writing essay) ^.^
Love is complicated~ A love without unexpected event is just like strolling on beach with no sea breeze, flying kite with no wind~ however, at the same time love bring happiness, the corresponding sadness is of equal magnitude~ perhaps, for now, it's is still better for me to stay single, for i am not yet ready for that, far not ready.. without love, i still can live on happily with my friends who love me so much.. So why i want to find trouble for myself??
30 june 2009, the biggest tragedy happen in my life, the event that totally screw up my life for nearly one month. however, the event made me tougher, that the time i begin to think of my future. When i recall back, the past event seems much easier compared to that, for which i will simply succumbed to and complaining to other. What i want to say here is i always be grateful to have friends like u all, keep supporting me by my side, though u din really know wad is happening.
Every person, every event appears in my life impose effect on me. The fact is, i have moulded into the person like u all are. I cant be myself, for I am belonged to you all. Without you, i am just nothing, nothing more than a shell without soul. Thats why i very grateful to have recognize everyone of you.
Bro, the strong bond formed between us is not based on the time, but is based on how v treat each other. Since v become the best pals from year 5, u always treat me with true heart. That what i really appreciate. Though i lost grasp of what happening to you recently, i still will be there to support you, and whenever u are willing to talk , i will be there for you.
Pals, no need to stubborn with the things that have past. There is no necessary to torture yourself with the things that have past, the love that has faded. Stay happy like always, for i always miss your noob smiling face.
Mum, here is my answer for ur question. Pure friendship between boys and girls do exist, but with condition that there is no "extra" feeling between them. When one of them fall in love with another, and is known by another, the friendship between them will never be pure anymore. And if such relationship is not handled well, it will only cause pain to the other. So, there will always 2 results come from such problems. however, no matter which pathway u will lead to, i will always there to support u~
Sorry for keep u waiting, i know u will surely feel weird why i will leave some words for you. In fact, this things i should have told u by myself 6 years ago. Forgive me for being so timid. I am here to admit that i did fall in love with you when i was in standard 6~ and such feeling is keep until form 5~ Dun worry, i am not asking you what or intending to give u a chase. but i just feel like telling u my feeling b4 i conclude my childhood memory and move on to the next stage. I want to thank you since u have motivated me so much, inspiring me to change myself to be a better man , n u should be proud of that~~ hahax.
Last and for all, i want to thank for everyone of u, for being part of my memory, part of myself. I love u all , pls stay happy and smile always~
(sorry for the poor language for i have been a long time not writing essay) ^.^
Sunday, June 20, 2010
I was never late
in attending meeting
in passing up assignment
in earning extra money.
I was late..
Late in realising other feeling towards me;
Late in making decision
and even late in confessing my love..
I'm late...
though i knew i was too late....
in attending meeting
in passing up assignment
in earning extra money.
I was late..
Late in realising other feeling towards me;
Late in making decision
and even late in confessing my love..
I'm late...
though i knew i was too late....
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