Friday, October 21, 2011

姓名 :林劲帆
出生日期 :1992年12月31日(奇才架到)
星座 :魔羯座
住址 :关丹,暂居文良港
状况 :非单身

最庆幸的事 :我是男的
最光荣的事 :荣获全彭中学生数学金牌那一幕
最白痴的事 :哭着打电话给最好的朋友
最期待的事 :毕业以后的事
最开心的事 :当她说yes的时候
最窝心的事 :秘密
最享受的事 :和朋友谈天
最羡慕的事 :相爱相对的情侣
最难过的事 :家事
最讨厌的事 :等
最害怕的事 :身边爱的人落泪
最刺心的事 :当妈妈落泪的那一幕
最内疚的事 :对某人说过的一句谎言
最后悔的事 :对朋友说过一些自私的话
最崇拜的人 :(依照时间排列)
最欣赏的性格:独立,有领导力的女生 ;不做作,以微笑待人的男生
最爱歌手 :王心凌,李圣杰

Tuesday, October 4, 2011


面子书,专门培训新一代虚荣心强,交际能力弱的下一代~ 赞成~一路来都很赞成的这一个实验结论~把生活中的大小事务,就连非常琐碎的东西,也要post在面子书;把自己的照片,edit 成很像仙女酱,想要得到众人的注意,不管是认识的,不认识的,是色狼也好,是君子也好,通通都吃~这就是时下少男少女滥用面子书的现象~
我?无可否认,我也是其中的一族~虽然病态不算严重,不至于大小便都post 埋出来,但偶尔很是希望能得到周边朋友的注意,关心,哪怕是那一个like,都可以爽一下~有时,假假emo,骗几个好友来聊聊天,(这无聊的事最近没什么做了哈哈),也可以打发时间,给自己爽一下~翻翻旧时的message,才发现上一次和你聊天,已经是3个月前的事了~虽然和你通常只是空聊,聊聊各自的近况,但每次聊了都会觉得心灵上得到了些满足感~至少我知道,你这个朋友还真的是会关心人的~朋友,你还好吗?


别人(女性)可以大方的把问题说在面子书上,nao gai 下,给自己的男朋友下一个马威~
我往下看了一下,最后还是把问题叙说在这没人看的部落格上~ haiz..男人~ 希望你可以找到你的人生目标吧~

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

加油加油加油 !!!!

haha, i have finally finished my foundation course a... haha @@? y macam bo rasa d ? lol.. thought i will be very happy after getting through my stupid exam, yet, it wasnt.. The one-year foundation course really bring me a lot of fun. Most importantly, i have rest enough , play enough and now ,i m damn well prepared to accept the new challenge in my life, ACTUARY!!

haha, here i m going to summarize my feeling for the whole foundation. Long time no c i update my blog huh?? The reason very simple jek, i lazy ma.. hahax.. Always been my best excuse for everything i didnt do ..^^, but seriously i hope i going to change this bad habit~.

The first day in my foundation, i was very nervous, not anticipating of meeting new lecturer, the difficulty of the syllabus, but, to get a new friend. I was always too shy too express myself, to those not-so-familiar friend, apetah lagi to stranger? Yet , i was happy that i m able to introduce myself to the 2 person sitting beside me, and one of them is still friend with me, my driver, Mr foong ( sorry boss ). The one-year study at Utar PJ is quite enjoyable and i have quite a lot of friend there ( comparable to those i have in secondary, T.T pathetic ). though i m leaving utar pj, i m not feeling sad about it since we all will still meet in utar setapak, somemore in the same house.. hahax ^^~ ( i will miss u d , huanhuan XD).

Though i am going through a relaxing holiday at PJ, i found most of u , my broda are having a tough time in kuantan. Love , study m stress , family and blablabla. I can see that those laughter are decreasing and sadness is becoming more apparent. I cant ask u all one by one of what is happening but yet, i sincerly hope u all can get through it , seriously bro~

Back to myself , whenever people talking about me , after all it will come back to this topic~ " Hey bro, when are u going to find a gal jek, still cant let go of her meh? " lol, yes i am single, but that wasnt the reason for it. Simply because there is not neccessary for me to find one now , since the time is already packed enough for me, alone... ( just waiting God to anugerah me with a nice fate..haha)

lalala, n blabla, just now there was a lot in my brain but now ... empty @@? basically this cant represent my whole feeling for past year rather than this represent my feeling now.. XD.( and u cant possibly guess wrong my feeling right now ) and now, i dunno what to talk already and just wanna say , 加油 you can do it!! love u forever!! 哈哈哈!!